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Various Artists - Kraut! Die innovativen Jahre des Krautrock 1968-1979 – Teil 1: Der Norden (2020)

Album details

Label: Bear Family Records BCD17621   Ref#: ?-2688
Date: 06.03.2020   Category: rock
Length: 2:16:51    
Format: FLAC   Record Store Day:  
Audio: Stereo   Album Collection Title:  
Genre: Krautrock   Album Collection Disc Nbr:  


Disc 1:
1.   Lucifer's Friend - Ride The Sky  2:55
2.   Atlantis - Rock'n'Roll Preacher  3:40
3.   Michael Rother - Flammende Herzen  7:04
4.   Tomorrow's Gift - Ants  2:52
5.   Ikarus - Mesentery  6:11
6.   Cravinkel - Keep On Running  3:42
7.   Silberbart - Chub Chub Cherry  4:27
8.   Novalis - Wer Schmetterlinge lachen hört  9:18
9.   Ougenweide - Ouwe  2:34
10.   Ramses - La Leyla  7:31
11.   Jane - Redskin  8:55
12.   Frumpy - How The Gipsy Was Born  8:49
Disc 2:
1.   A.R. & Machines - Schönes Babylon  4:59
2.   Nektar - Desolation Valley  9:03
3.   Eloy - The Light From Deep Darkness  14:40
4.   Galaxy - Supermarket  4:30
5.   Gash - A Young Man's Gash (Part 2)  4:47
6.   Thirsty Moon - Big City  8:32
7.   Percewood's Onagram - Braindrops Won't Kill The Fire  8:51
8.   Missus Beastley - Uncle Sam  5:39
9.   Abacus - Capuccino  4:06
10.   Parzival - Souls Married To The Wind  3:35


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